Sunday 31 May 2009

TVB Vanishing Glacier 冰天动地

I watched this some months ago and just kept forgeting to pen it down in my blog then despite reminding myself again and again...;P
I've always love TVB production of documentary shows...and especially Stephen Chan' shows...I just admire his shows..(as well as his personality - he gives the impression that he's just so well knowledged...and quite an environmentalist...and he's a vegetarian - which in anycase i am guessing that it's for environmental reason;PP..ok, so I can go on and on...but this is Mr Chan is really good at his work...)
Vanishing Glacier...I was watching it with my father then...and from his comments..i guess it's more for those who are interested in the environment...else you might get yourself going bored...but i really enjoyed every single bit of it...from the song/music at the beginning to each of the guests' dialogues to...of coz..all the 'marvellous' scenes...I especially love the episode with Northern Lights / Aurora - 北极光's just something splendid the universe has...i wonder if i will ever have the chance to watch it with my own eyes...
the show is really good in delivering green messages to the normal laymen...I simply like the way they produce it...that you get important messages delivered watching a leisure show...elegant;-)...and faults, i wont be able to detect...i am very forgiving in this sense..hehe...all in all...a must watch good least you're getting a sight of the the speed they are vanishing now...i wonder if they're still there in a few years time...the reality can make you shiver if you really get the meaning of this show....

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