Monday, 19 November 2007

Wishing Lydia Shum...

I was still thinking yesterday that I probably wont watch the whole show of 万千星辉贺台庆...but apparently when the show is ready on the internet I can't resist...and I must say that, it is a different feeling watching the whole show today compared to watching some specific scenes yesterday...and yes, ok, i was a bit 激动 when I wrote yesterday as many Honeys suddenly came onto MSN after the show ended...
...while I still feel the unfairness in 'award-distribution' (that is my term for it)...the moment it reaches the scene where 肥姐Lydia Shum came out...all whatever feelings I had feels so sad seeing her condition, she shrunk so much...those of you who only saw the photographs of her last night, believe me, it is a different feeling when you see her in the actual show...最铁石心肠的人都会忍唔住!都唔识形容个种心情,好难受。。。唔知道距仲可以撑几耐,又或者会唔会有奇迹(距自己话距要好翻,我好好希望有奇迹,不过知道现实生活係好少有既,而且距情况唔係好乐观。。。)真係好好希望距剩下黎既日子会过得开心。。。如果我係欣宜我一定会每一份每一秒陪住距。。。肥姐今年先得60岁,一d都唔算老。。。好多人都係依个年纪先开始享清福。。。不过距就冇依种福气。。。虽然大会颁个奖比距。。。0甘又有乜意义呢?其实每当有边个边个艺人病得好严重,都会0甘样特别地颁奖比距地。。。不过你话个艺人仲在乎个奖吗?。。。虽然话係对距既一种肯定。。。但係係果个时候都唔再重要了我諗?好似係d仲在生既人为了安慰自己多d...


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