留下言 回下帖 在 Lok - In留下脚印 给嘉乐打打气
现在可以让你自我介绍喔 怎能错过呢?;P
and especially calling out to all Malaysian and Singaporean fans as well as anyone who has recently noticed him in shows such as A Journey Called Life, Speech of Silence...do visit the official forum Lok - In to show him your support
Apart from that there's his blog 樂隨心寫 and you'll know more about his day to day activities, mood etc...in a warm and cosy manner ;-)
Note: 刚刚又被‘踢’了出来 (打不开讨论区) 应该是伺服器又出了一点状况 (应该是伺服器不稳定)
Just to note that due to unstability of the server sometimes the site cannot be opened; when in such a situation, we kindly asked for ample of patience and continuous support from everyone to try again at a later time...and of course any message can go directly to 樂隨心寫.
I have not come across any artist who cared so much about his fans visiting his site so to all who like Stephen, you must find out for yourself ;-)
hi...receive ur comment in my blog..thank for notification...i am from malaysia as well...hehe
oh well..
i dont think i have forgotten the password...
cuz i only have 1 password for all my accu=ounts to avoid confusion...
means if you know the password of 1 of my account that means you know them all....
i think maybe its because i have not log into the forum for quite some time already... that is why the server cant recognise...
i'll try agian later...
will let you know if there are still problems...
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