Tuesday, 20 November 2007

TVB again...hate it and love it...

wahh....! I seriously surrender my self to TVB these past two days;PPP
i was overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions: sad, angry and touched with TVB 万千星辉颁奖礼 (TVB Anniversary Awards Ceremony)...and then just now, I 'ran a marathon' watching TVB 万千星辉贺台庆 (TVB 40th Anniversary Gala) and 無線盛世節目2008 (TVB Sales Presentation for 2008)...spent more than 2 hours watching nonstop (dead,don't let my mum know:PPP) and it was so entertaining...
First: TVB 万千星辉贺台庆 (TVB 40th Anniversary Gala)
...a friend told me before I get the full show, that the standard is no longer as good as previous years ...所以我都唔期望个show会好睇得去边...but...或者就係冇乜期望所以反而睇得开心?In fact 我睇得好enjoy添...嘻嘻:PP
First performance 係个 dance number lead by Michael Tse...谢天华跳得真係好好睇;当然啦,人家跳舞出身ge嘛,傻既我;P...不过其他人都好西历...BUT one funny part I saw was when 谢天华要抱起杨思琪果阵, it was not very smooth, 比观众睇到就唔係0甘好睇啦...有d好笑...
The next performance was a 模仿session whereby 祥仔,李思捷&王祖蓝 mimic Wong Hoi Kan 黄凯芹,Jenny Tseng 甄妮,Rain (Korea), Jolin 蔡依琳 ...gosh, I almost roll on the floor laughing (几怕比其他housemates听到我笑,打扰到人家之余仲会以为我傻0左,自己一个人笑成0甘;PPP)...王祖蓝既甄妮同埋祥仔既Rain真係笑死我;P (开始果阵头两个冇screen放名,差d认唔出係边个;PPP)
最后ending就係刘家昌老师(听过距名字不过唔太清楚/记得距究竟係边个前辈...;PP)by the way, Janice衛蘭唱得好好,唔似翡翠歌星果阵好差...

..and I must say, 以前一向都唔係好中意DoDo唔知点解依架好中意睇距搞笑闹人同认顶颈;PP 超搞笑尤其係同曾志偉,阿0力拒地;) 
and as for Sales Presentation...so many exciting dramas in 2008! yay!好期待太极,烈火III,当狗爱上猫,唐心II etc...what I watched just now had such nice presentation with the HD (high definition) view...and apparently will get to see more of faces like 陈芷清 and 王喜 (he's so cute; but I havent even watched Fathers and Sons爸爸閉翳; will get the series when I get home, mum wants to watch also;P)
Apart from series with Fung in it which I will certainly not missed, I guess I would highly recommend 烈火雄心III (Burning Flames III-yay!sohpohs it's back again!!!...and it has Bosco in it you gals will faint:P, not me though hehe...) and well Sze Ling sohpoh you must watch this show with Kevin Cheng acting as a killer in it (Walking with the Enemy 与敌同行)...I wasn't very interested when I watch clips with him describing it, but clips of that show were extremely interesting, swear I've never expected Kevin Cheng with that sort of killer look! It appears he's really good in that show! (BUT also proven Kevin's not good at all in talking or speaking about things:PP...aiyak, dont kill me:P)...and ah, so much more good shows...can't wait for next year hehehe!! time to go to bed and dream...;PPP

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