Tuesday, 30 December 2008


Stephen's blog has moved from Blogger to his forum/website at:


Saturday, 27 December 2008

Plastic scare (2)

After some bits of researching...my conclusion (to cut all my crapz, no one wants to know;P)

plastic code 1,2,4,5 (these are ok for repeated usage) class 1 & 2 are the better ones compared to class 4 & 5
plastic code 3,6,7...if you have been re-using any of these, you'd better throw them into the bin now...
some brief info about the recycling codes
Class 1: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, PETE) e.g. Plastic soft drink, water, sports drink, beer, ketchup and salad dressing bottles. Peanut butter, pickle, jelly and jam jars. Ovenable film and ovenable prepared food trays.
Class 2: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) e.g. Milk, water, juice bottles; yogurt and margarine tubs; cereal box liners; grocery, trash and retail bags
Class 3: Vinyl (Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC) e.g. Clear food packaging
Class 4: Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) e.g. squeezable bottles, e.g. honey, mustard.
Class 5: Polypropylene (PP) e.g. Plastic containers, water tumblers/bottles, ketchup bottles, yogurt containers and margarine tubs, medicine bottles.
Class 6: Polystyrene (PS) e.g. food service applications, cups, plates, cutlery
Class 7: Other - e.g. water bottles, juice and ketchup bottles.
The major risk involved is generally consumption of carcinogenic plastic residues (which could accumulate in one's body over time). Plastic residues could leach from plastic ware due to repeated usage, regardless if you microwave it or not...for example merely shaking mineral bottle containing water could cause the plastic residue to be leached from the plastic bottle into your drinking water, also the fact that we do not know how well the bottles are handles before we buy them...for example if they are exposed to sunlight, chemical reactions could take place and plastic residues leach into the drinking water
my current ISO consultant also mentioned that mineral plastic bottles has been banned in Europe...
if anyone wants to be totally safe from risks of consuming plastic residues, the better option is to replace plastic with stainless steel-aluminum ware or glassware - well, the latter is not so recommended for water bottle i guess, especially for a clumsy person like me;PP)

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Plastic Scare!! My Tupperware...?!

I bought this Tupperware water tumbler like 10 days ago...and I actually chose one of the cheapest around .. this one costed RM35 (rest ranging around RM60 and above)...and to think that I didn't want to buy it in the first place...coz when I asked the lady what type of plastic it is, she just said very ignorantly that she doesnt know...and my father who knew this brand (I didnt know it that well before today +_+) said that that shop has been around for decades...and it was all the way to Ipoh, plus I need a bottle immediately...so he urged me to just get one ...ok, then just get one...
and then now this plastic scare thingy is around...and I dont even see the code which is not shown in Tupperware product...better do some googling for info...=_="

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Decor

O' Christmas Tree?;P @Pavilion, KL (didnt look that attractive from near huh?;P)

Nice cage and christmas decor at The Gardens Mid Valley, KL

Saturday, 20 December 2008


只是面粉 我觉得好难吃 所以都不吃;PPP
虽然不是亲手做 不过也没关系啦
(因为很好吃呢;P 妈妈也开心哦;PP)


Saturday, 13 December 2008

13 Dec 2008 Meteor Rain 流星雨

I heard from 98.8 but just to verify I google and found the same information at http://www.earthsky.org/radioshows/51877/geminid-meteor-shower-peaks-december-13-and-14
to quote a few lines:
"Thursday, December 13, 2007
Our planet Earth is now passing through a stream of debris in space.
Some of this debris will enter Earth’s atmosphere to appear as “shooting stars” in our night sky. In other words, these next few nights are the peak nights of the Geminid meteor shower. Tonight and Friday night are great times to look."
haha...I'll be looking out for sure...make sure you do too, sure a hard chance to come by especially in our malaysian sky which is always clouded!!!

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 豬

愛情及家庭:單身的豬人今年會是複雜的戀愛年或是刺激的一年,視乎你的觀點與角度。 小心第三者介入你的感情生活,尤其是1971年生的豬人。1935年生的豬人要多關心你的家人。1923年生的豬人今年則會感到有矛盾的時候,從年輕人的角度出發,對你有幫助。

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 狗

工作:從商的狗人今年可享有美好的前景。今年宜作出改變或轉換新環境,對你事業有利。 請接受新的構思及意見。工作上只要盡責而為,你便可得到好的成果。1982年生的狗人在學業上可做得很好,但須避免與同學及朋友爭執。1970年生的狗人工作上頗為滿意。
愛情及家庭:今年對1958年生的狗人會是幸運的一年。已婚的狗人會有幸福的婚姻生活。單身的亦有不少機會結識朋友,可能會在選擇! 伴! 侶上費神呢!

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 雞

雞人今年前路迂迴曲折。今年凶星飛臨。 一些將近完成的計劃可能會於最後受到阻礙而要作出改變。已婚的雞女,日常的家務工作會令你情緒低落。1969年生的雞人請小心謠言,會令你的生意失敗。你可以做的便是保持冷靜,讓惡運過去,做好你的份內。你可以嘗試可以令你鬆弛的興趣,多與朋友一起,不要經常憂心。今年在一千個雞人中會有一個得到成功,這個可會是你?
工作:前路是艱辛的。 1945年出生的雞人會發覺所有願望都不能實現,請保持冷靜,向你的目標進發,年尾可望有好成績。1933年生的雞人要小心,有人會利用你或佔你便宜。雞人今年宜往海外發展。

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 猴


2009年生肖運勢 ~ 羊

年初對羊人來說並不十分好,但不會氣餒,順利及穩定的運程將會隨即而來。196! 7? ~生的羊人會是今年最好運的羊人,今年會是你快樂的一年。今年羊男會感到來自大量工作及家庭的壓力。羊女今年則是成功的一年。未婚的羊女,今年你的愛情運很好,會是浪漫和甜蜜的。
工作:工作量增加及沉重的責任會帶給羊人壓力和焦慮,尤其是羊男。已婚的羊女如往海外工作會帶來好的前途。 今年全年都會有很多困難,就算你非常努力都未必可以解決,但請你耐心等候,成功會在適當時候出現。1979年生的羊人,努力工作便可得到意想不到的成績。1943年生的羊人,海外會有很多工作機會。
健康:避免到一些環境污染的地方。1931年生的羊人要小心頭痛,鼻及肝的毛病。留心飲食,食物中毒會引致嚴重的腸胃病。1991年生的羊人! 請! 小心利器及水災。

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 馬





愛情及家庭:已婚的馬人今年與伴侶關係和諧,1930年生的馬人今年家中會有喜事發生。單身 的馬人會有不少機會結識新朋友。1978年生的馬人戀愛會於今年發生!今年更是未婚馬人結婚的好時年。


Sunday, 7 December 2008

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 蛇

今年比去年好。1977年生的蛇人可化解任何阻礙。 假如你努力工作,接受新情況,你便可到達工作上的新頂峰。今年蛇人與同事、家人及鄰居關係不佳,特別是1941年生的蛇人,但這與你的財運成反比。




愛情及家庭:已婚的蛇人今年與伴侶關係穩定,而且有親密的家庭生活。單身的蛇人今年會遇 到一半! 你必須記著保持冷靜,尤其是當出現競爭者時,否則戀情便不能長久。


2009年生肖運勢 ~ 龍


工作:上半年會有很多機會發展,請小心運用。今年宜與跟你做同一行業的人合作,會給你帶來收益。 1988年生的年輕龍人,你的老師會? 鳦! d心照顧你,你必須懂得控制你的脾氣。同學的幫助會給你帶來無價的收穫,令你全年都幸運。



愛情及家庭:單身的龍人今年會受大眾歡迎。1976年生的龍人會有戀情開花。但不要太盲目去愛,尤其是1940年生的龍人。 你的關係會很複雜,請小心選擇。1964年生的龍人可享受愉快的家庭生活。


2009年生肖運勢 ~ 兔

兔人今年的運程會有起有跌,尤其是1939年生的兔人。你會感到有很多限制及很少機會讓你把主意變成行動。1963及1975年生的兔人請三? 鉿! 茷嶆獢A作任何行動前必須小心考慮清楚。下半年兔人的運程會好轉,你可以做得好些。兔人今年宜按部就班。小心那些暗地會傷害你的朋友。今年你會與家人發生爭執。



健康:多些休息。兔人今年會情緒低落,請與你的家人分享或分擔你的感受。1927年生的兔人請縮短你的工? @? 伅(1939年生的兔人小心意外。

愛情及家庭:已婚的兔人可與伴侶享受穩定的關係。單身的兔人會有很多機會遇上志趣相投的朋友,或許會發展成為密友關係, 但請小心這段關係可能很快便完結。 年輕的兔女會遇上有機會發展的異性。






財運:金錢來自穩定的收入,不要寄望有太多金錢來自其他途徑。1950年生的虎人要特別小心被騙。 1938年生的虎人不要賭博,把你的金錢花在你的愛人身上吧!






2009年生肖運勢 ~ 牛

今年牛人的固執可派上用途了,今年你會有頗多的障礙,你? 犒! x固可解決這些阻礙,尤其是1961年生的牛人。請你耐心等待適合的時間,總比心急好。關心家人及享受他們給你的支援,這有助你排除困難。你的朋友可助你減壓。多些聽取年長者的說話,會帶給你好運, 尤其是1937年生的牛人。

2009年生肖運勢 ~ 鼠

好!鼠人今年將會是幸運和成功的一年!你可以得到工作上巨大的成功,1948年 出生的鼠人尤甚,可能會升職。鼠人,尤其是鼠女,今年均可以突破所有阻礙而達致成功及得到名譽。已婚的鼠女,你可以協助你丈夫的事業。假如你得到他人的幫助,你便會做得更好。鼠人天生可以在群眾中表現更佳。


財運:今年唯一差勁? 漪! O你的財運。因為你在工作及愛情上做得很好,你會不停地花費、花費、花費!請控制你的揮霍, 為未來儲些錢。1936年出生的鼠人更應留意你的預算及投資。鼠人今年宜短線投資,獲利會比長線為佳。






不过回家的消费(来回的车油+收费占)对我和爸爸来说 就好不便宜了@_@
昨天车更是坏了(大怀!好糟糕! >_<)
平时在怡保和爸爸 都是在外面吃

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Caffeine-free Fruity Tea

A nice tea discovered recently...

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons ~ Spring

Are you a left brainer or right brainer?

This book is really a very good read I must say, highly recommended...I was stuck for a while, leaving aside my work and the TV that I was glued onto;PPP
However, you need some patience if you are reading page by page from the start...as I was kind of in a 'rushing' mood...I speed through the pages, and as it is divided into sections with clear titles...I dived into those titles and sections of paragraphs that interest me most (but the whole book is essentially linked, so must read the whole book if you have the time - some 250 pages)
basically it is telling that we are now moving from the Information Age into the Conceptual Age (this will be the 21st century)...for a 'recap' if you've forgotten your history and sciences for a while...mankind / civilization has moved from Agricultural Age to Industrial Age to Information Age and now we are moving into a whole new age altogether...it is backed up by many..what I'll call... 'supporting evidence'...and indeed when I'm reading I find myself agreeing with so most of the 'arguement' with the reality in today's world...!!!!
and if you're still wondering what I'm saying...*am I not an idiot to be so bad at describing?;PPP hehe, I admit I am, really;PP*...it is basically saying that humans, to survive well in time to come...need to be equiped with not only intelligence ...nope, not good enuf if we are good in sciences, maths and calculations, physics, computer and programming knowlege etc...but we need to have the artistic side of things as well...so art is really coming up...things must not only be good and functional but they must be beautiful, artistic as well...and so it means that we as humans, the creators of things and services have to live up to that...so well...as the author suggests... go get your Mozart's or Tchaikowsky piece of music...or go admire (try to at least:PPPP) Picasso's or Van Gogh's painting...try look for negative spaces at objects that you see everyday, make jokes, be humourous...to exercise and use more of your right brain...heck I better do these myself tooo;PPPP....and hey, if you are a left handed person...congrats...you're one level higher;PPPP hehehe...*and how frustrating when mum said that she 'corrected' me when I was young as I started writing with my left hand...sigh, she stopped me from exercising my right brain!!!..at least more..!!*
...sigh, no...my work comes first...%$@#

What does the future holds...?

I wonder what will happen to our dear country, say in the next 20 years, with our current political scene...?
Ever since Dr. M stepped down it seemed that things have gone a bit shaky...and the last two years have seen various events taking place...not so good ones...to be 'fair' there are also one or two good ones...like how people say we are lucky that we were not hit as badly as other countries with the current economy turmoil..(but perhaps this has less to do with the current gov actions/decisions? it's 'something laid down' last time?)
anyway sometimes it really makes one think...(i think too much at times;PP)...would I want to continue living in Msia if I ever have the chance to live elsewhere? (considering the gov and political factor, not so much of the others...i know our country is a nice place to live in in many other aspects)...do I want my next generation to undergo the country's educational system? (my heart is already screaming a thousand, a billion NO!!)
...when you see our politicians speak and argue in the 'dewan'...sometimes its like kids arguing...and they make suggestions or ideas such as:
1...changing name of Jalan Alor to Jalan Kejora...?!
2...no more women on ads...?!
3...signage boards should or should not bear this language / that language...?!
4...yoga not allowed for...?!

...and then the locking up people who blogs openly on certain issues...?!
and a whole list of I can't remember what...really feel like 吃饱没事做...when there are a whole lot of serious problems waiting to be solved...and then all they do is argue and argue, with no solid conclusions but confusions
...that sometimes a layman on the road could be asking 'why so stupid ar?'
...I wonder what the future holds for us and our next generation?....better prepare ourselves...but don't get the wrong idea...I love my country...and hence voicing out my worries...

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Bruce Lee: The Legend lives on...

My days in Ipoh, without Astro, the nights are spent watching local channels shows...and as I work on my computer, I'll catch one or two glimpses of whatever that is showing on TV...and prime time, apart from news...what other chinese show if you dont watch the Legend of Bruce Lee?;PPP
when it started showing it was quite slow I thought...and I didn't quite like the dubbing effect...anyway now it seems more interesting already...and in fact if the story really is trying to emulate the real facts...then I must say that I am starting to admire Bruce Lee...hehehe, not so much of his fighting skills (that is needless to say superb)...but his attitude (though the character depicted him as being a bit arrogant sometimes)...his enthusiasm to learn new wushu techniques made him a very open person such that he doesn't mind hardship as long as he gets to learn new techniques from his opponents...and his humble attitude in sharing all that he knows about wushu...how i love that (I hate 'kiasu-ism' if anything)....and his wisdom of applying what he studied in philosophy into wushu...*buoy the word philosophy alone already sounded so abstract, he must be really smart to have studied that*...hehehe, in short...no wonder people out there regardless of age and race and religion etc...admires Bruce Lee!!! the fact that he's so good in martial art goes not only to talents (say this is 10% but attitude, guess this is the other 90% of his success factor)...!!!

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Hungry Fish!!!

I have never been so excited and happy before seeing fishes...such hungry ones...!! this is taken from the park near where I stay in Ipoh...

"Marley and I"

Sis just bought this book the other week as she happened to bump into a good bargain
...i've just read a few pages and am quite convinced from the sypnosis that it'll be a very good read...
and coincidently I happen to read in the newspaper yesterday - entertainment section, that there'll be a movie based on Marley and I, premiering in Malaysian cinema in January 2009...hehe, definitely looking forward to that :-)))

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Family Day in the company~

no Cameron Highland trip =.=
no Tambun Lost World fun +_+
Company family day behind the factory area....!!!! @_@

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Rome ~ Feb 2008

hehehe...when one's having a pleasant mood, everything appears pleasant...
so well, with such a pleasant feeling...and the laziness of not wanting to write much...let me load some photos ...(hmm, this is even more work than writing...;PP anyway I've wanted to share these like ages ago, so I might as well do it now...
for the sake of wanting to share... how much I miss the laidback Europe ... I want you guys (poor fellas who happen to read my blog;PPP) to feel the slow pace...the relaxing state...the peacefulness from these photos...
(The famous painting~ The Last Supper)

Relieved...for now at least

cousin sis' operation was a success...and since she's young, she's still advised to undergo chemotherapy to reduce chances of relapse in the future...
she'll probably be taking her first chemo session when it's nearing chinese new year 2009...and already aunty, cousin brother and cousin sister herself have been reading about the suffering and hardship of chemo...aunty said she cries reading those...sigh, what can we say, and already now her appetite is very bad after the surgery...she's only 46kg (she's previously very plump..in fact obese)...aunty said when she saw the scale, she said that she's never been this thin before (but not at all in a happy note of coz)...but aunty tried to put it lightly by cracking a joke since cousin sister has always wanted to thin down...

well, hopefully cousin sis...being 21 - young, a big advantage in battling cancer...that she'll be able to take the effect of the chemo sessions she'll be undergoing soon...may God bless her....

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Being Female~

after hitting 25 it seems that the aging business is really setting in..
as well after 25 it seems that the effect of PMS becomes more apparent...the monthly mood swings and 'unexplainable' moodiness can be really disturbing sometimes...well not exactly unexplainable but just that you know that it's the hormone that makes you worry and anxious, without much of other 'valid' reasons...but better this than anything else...
and the moment after 'aunt' left for the month...the relieve is obvious too...

being female...what could i say...
but i guess apparently being male there's 'something similar' too? since male experience something similar to female post menopause too...
but well apart from that things been fine i guess...work's manageable now...and braces treatment's infact nothing painful that i thought it would be...it's just some slight discomfort, and barely into my second week wearing it now...still swallowing soft food most of the time...now i know the 'can't wait to take the braces off' feeling (i dont look too bad with it do i?;PP and it's also a worry sometimes forgetting to check in the mirror after eating...if something is stuck in between the brackets;PPP)...but heck i would want time to stop ticking too if possible...will be hitting 27 is a few months' time...not welcoming that...arghhh~~~

Saturday, 1 November 2008

小虎队 爱

Thanks Mel for the video...

hehe...actually i have it too...was once a fan of alec su...so saw back all the old MVs including those of the little tigers' days....;PPP

I like this song a lot;P

Thursday, 30 October 2008




好人有好报 恶人有恶报
好人恶报 恶人好报

Sunday, 26 October 2008


saw cousin sister today...
cousin sis had her operation on Friday night, successfully removing the huge tumour with one section of her colon
she had tubes over her nose, hands and body...
but when mum saw her yesterday and said that she appeared fine and was able to speak and aunt was more cheerful too
but today, cousin sis is not a very good condition when father and i went over
she's having the side effect due to painkiller overdosage (using a dispenser machine which she could manually control through her fingers, to lessen the burden to her intestines - therefore no using of tablets or pills)...
she felt like vomitting but couldn't...and she had some fluids in her lungs...
and becoz of this she couldnt take the other tablets she's supposed to take
luckily it's alright to take that later
but it was slighly heartbreaking seeing cousin sis getting thinner and thinner...she was once our 可爱小肥妹
and this is yet the start of the chemotherapy
seeing her painful expression...i really duno what to say...
i think when i saw my grandfather more than two years ago...leaving due to lung cancer...the impact was less as we know he's old...
seeing this happening to a once a bubbly girl is heart breaking

whatever it is...this is just the start of the recovery period for cousin sis...colon cancer has better standing compared to other types of cancer...plus the doc said it didnt spread to other organs...so that's a good news for now...


Saturday, 18 October 2008

Dealing with relative with Cancer

I will be probably be blogging less from now...
this week has been very down..
..cousin sister (she's only 21) has been diagnosed with colon cancer...
...just confirmed today it is already third stage...
...but I still believe that nothing is impossible...
my family will be the one giving her full support, and I'm telling myself that I will also support cousin sis till she heals if possible..and if not..till the very end...
for this, I will be probably reduce my time on internet...considering my work load as well...
if anyone has any suggestion, please let me know...
have in mind...using chinese medicine / herbs as these have been in the story quite often...that the patients life span is prolonged or even healed
thanks to all my friends who's been supporting this boring blog of mine

but apart from that, also tellingmyself to exercise more
havent been doing that much after I came back from Europe

and yet knowing that exercise if one of the keys to reduce risk of cancer

will go to aunty's house after dinner...our first meeting after knowing this incident...I don't know what to say or how to comfort her (or maybe any comforting words be in worthless)..but I guess whatever it is, we just want to let them know that...we are there for them...and we will be there whenever they need us...may God bless them....

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Orthodontic Treatment: The few types of Braces

I'm finally doing my braces treatment...I've been 'yearning' for this since secondary school...and now finally I could 'so called' afford it...definitely a 'must-do' before 30;PPPP (how vain;PPPP, really as the cantonese saying goes, "risk life for beauty"

Today I've extracted my first pre-molars (one each from the lower and uppper of the right side gum)
I'm looking at next Friday to do the left side extraction (also two teeth)

and then on the 24th I should be putting on the metal braces if everything's smooth...

and I am not alone...my 'twin' szeling is also doing braces treatment (we verbally said that we'll be doing it together, but she put on hers earlier as she's doing on a different method and as she doesn't need any extraction therefore things faster for her...)

and due to cost factor, i am using the conventional metal braces...szeling's using damon (not sure if it's 2K or 3K...can't remember what are those referring to)

nowadays people are so much luckier with the options available...and if money is not a problem, certainly braces treatment can be something very comfortable...

Option 1: Conventional Metal Braces
This being the least comfortable, least pretty but the most economical option (so needless to say, this had to be my choice)

but even with that, nowadays there are options for the brackets: ceramics (colourless) or other aesthetic materials (by adding RM500 - RM1000 per jaw), and for ceramics use in conventional metal braces, normally only the upper jaw brackets will be in ceramics...

Option 2: Damon Braces

according to the dentists I've consulted, the Damon braces are initially designed for Westerners for the benefit of their jaw/face structure - but for Asians (we have different facial structure, so the benefit of the Damon braces to us...it's claimed to:

1) speed up the duration of treatment (the way it works is also different from the conventional type)
2) for some patients extraction is not needed...
3) less painful (szeling said the discomfort is like wearing a retainer)
4) do not make you get sores / blisters in your mouth as opposed to comventional metal braces

cost range: ~RM6K - RM8K in KL
Option 3: Invisalign (Invisible braces)

This being the priciest (RM 1X, 000 - ~RM25K; SGD10K), offers the best comfort and aesthetic value...basically what I knew is that the transparent mould 'shapes' the teeth bit by bit (meaning changing moulds every now and then) until the teeth goes into the right, proper alignment
there should be more options of braces out there...but guess in Malaysia, these are the common options nowadays

Sunday, 5 October 2008

乞衣餐 Beggar's meal

Saturday 04 October...went to Banting purposely for 'Beggar's dinner:PPP
(faintz, felt like being ‘cheated’, the trip was like 'journey to the west', food was nothing special and really too pricey for such setting...and last but not least, made me missed 阿Sa真人show (aiyak, dont bang me please;P)

but what was worth was the place...the 'restaurant' (or more precisely a hut) is located at a bottom of a hill which was really pretty...but it's not a place meant for after dark, coz one side of the hill is a cemetery /. .\ can be very eerie...

anyway I'll just cut the crapz and go for the pictures...some with my own captions...the fun ones first...

羊咩咩话:呢条路我阿爷买了 所以我最大 我要训係度;P

(终于被逼起身 如果唔係就变羊肉饼)


招牌乞衣鸡(冇乜特别 其他地方的药材鸡仲正!)
乞衣罗米饭 (睇见就饱了)
炒甜酸蟹 (完全唔似甜酸蟹@_@)
结论 个所谓乞衣餐 食过一次 唔会再返去食
野食麻麻地 最惨既係地方太远了
真係冇雷公0甘远 好似去取西经0甘~.~